Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Kia Weatherspoon on Women Worldwide



Kia Weatherspoon, founder of Determined by Design, joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Kia was a dancer turned soldier who then fell in love with interior design. Kia has ten years of diverse experience in hospitality design and management, high-end residential and multi-family design with a splash of architectural sales. Kia founded her company, Determined by Design in 2012 to begin creating spaces that eclipse current design trends. On the show, Kia discussed personal stories including when she first discovered the meaning of space. When living in the Middle East (just after 911) with 14 other women soldiers, she needed a reprieve to let out a flood of emotions. She took her issued troop sheets that were meant for her cot and hung them around her with string to create three sheet walls instead. Kia left active duty and has been creating spaces ever since. Kia also shared fond memories of her education at Moore College of Art and Design and how she was surrounded by women leaders and “the mos