Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Charissa Thompson on Women Worldwide



Charissa Thompson, co-host of the syndicated entertainment news show, Extra, joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Charissa is also recognized as one of the most visible women in sports media. In 2013, she also became the host of Fox Sports Live on the Fox Sports 1 Network. On the show, Charissa shares her journey as a woman in sports media including the challenges of building credibility and getting past the “blond on the sidelines” stereotype. She knew that credibility was always her responsibility, and worked diligently to prepare for her interviews. Through her knowledge and relationship building, Charissa quickly gained the respect from her peers in the sports world. She also inspires Women Worldwide listeners to reinvent and discusses how she seized a new career direction. Charissa's success, having positions in two industries (sports and entertainment), demonstrates how you can expand your brand and take advantage of different opportunities. Charissa's philosophy: Do whatever it takes ...