Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Jenny Ta on Women Worldwide



Jenny Ta, founder and CEO of Sqeeqee joins host Deirdre Breakenridge onWomen Worldwide. Jenny launched Sqeeqee in 2015 as thefirst-of-its-kind social networthing™ site. She’s also known as theCinderella of Wall Street having previously founded two brokerdealer start ups, Titan Securities and Vantage Investments.On the show, Jenny shares her story, which is a journey fromwelfare to Wall Street. At the age of 5, she escaped Vietnam duringthe war. She left on a fishing boat, and then stayed in a refugeecamp in Hong Kong until she was 8. Jenny eventually made her way toAmerica where she found her path to success. Jenny believes theexperiences during childhood helped to shape her career and gaveher a “never accept no for an answer” conviction. Jenny also offersadvice to listeners on making your dreams become a reality.A little more about Jenny Ta … JennyTa is a seasoned entrepreneur and has 20 years of Wall Streetexperience. She specialized specifically in the technology sector.Jenny holds an MBA degree in Financi