Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Rachel Payne on Women Worldwide



Rachel Payne, the founder of FEMInc., which serves diverse audiences with video content thatresonates joins Host Dierdre Breakenridge to Women Worldwide. Builtupon a foundation of cognitive psychology and neuroscience appliedat web scale, FEM Inc. develops technology and drives innovation inmedia and entertainment. Rachel is also the CEO of Prizma, a video engagement platform,which is the first product launched by FEM.On the show, Rachel shares her passion for video and how it canserve a larger societal purpose. Her work has also focused on howthe media shapes the perceptions of Science, Tech, Engineering andMath (STEM) for girls. She discusses her experience as a women inthe technology space, and how VC fundraising can be a largechallenge for women-owned businesses, Rachel offers her advice toothers who want to launch and grow a business in the techsector.A little more about Rachel Payne … Rachel was Principal, GlobalStrategic Alliances, at Google where she worked with the topexecutives across the company to