Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Dr. Jane Karwoski on Women Worldwide



Dr. Jane Karwoski, best known as Dr. J. Dr. J, an experimental psychologist and has been involved with The Social Network Show® since its inception, as a partner and host joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Through the show, Dr. J brings thought leaders in social networking to the public in a format that is entertaining, as well as informative. On the show, Dr. J. discusses how emerging technologies” are changing at breakneck speed. She shares her thoughts on the impact info/comm tech is having on us, economically, socially, and personally. As a society, as a nation, as a global community of humans, Dr. J believes we have to attend to the ethical, legal, and social implications of these technologies. Because parents are becoming acutely aware of these topics, many of her show guests focus on solutions related to parenting in this digital age. Dr. J continues to educate and empower through her work. She states that doing something, rather than nothing, is not only therapeutic for her, but also