Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Katy Towell on Women Worldwide



Katy Towell, an acclaimed illustrator and children's author joins Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. She is the creator of the Childrin R Skary website and illustrated series, which has a cult following of over 150,000 scared adults, teens and children. On the show, Katy discusses how her books teach children about fear and all of its facets: grief, loss, love, depression and anger. Although many parents go to great lengths to shield their children from negativity in an effort to make them feel safe, Katy would rather address scary topics to make kids feel more comfortable. A little more about Katy Towell … Katy has has dreams of one day being the scary old lady in the house about which all the neighborhood children tell ghost stories. She's also the author and illustrator of the Carousel of Sorrow and Charlie and the Grandmothers, recently published by Knopf Books for Young Readers. You can check out Katy's books on Amazon and see more on YouTube. You can also connect with Katy on Facebook. A lit