Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

Gustaaf Vocking and Nathalie Soeteman on Women Worldwide



Gustaaf Vocking, CEO of Power2Improve and Nathalie Soeteman, Chief Happiness and Engagement Officer join Host Deirdre Breakenridge on Women Worldwide. Gustaaf works with business professionals and organizations, helping them to grow by coaching, training and consulting. Nathalie is a Positive Change Agent, as well as a highly regarded Intuitive and Positive Psychology Coach. On the show, Gustaaf and Nathalie discuss their work with executives, the leadership characteristics for success and the challenges that women face in their professional roles. They also share information about the launch of their Wonderful Woman Week virtual event to help women around the globe experience more in their careers and feel a great sense of fulfillment in their lives. A little more about Gustaaf Vocking and Nathalie Soeteman...Gustaaf is dedicated to helping and inspiring people and organizations to be the best they can be sustainably, from strategy to execution. He bases his actions on a broad experience, solid academic educ