Real World Ember

Ember Changed my Life: Productivity and Outsourcing with Venkat Dinavahi



We talk productivity, prioritizing your work, Backbone vs. Ember vs. React, and the communication requirements of outsourcing to a different time zone. Origin Story Originally learned Ember by joining Coderly Their app was Cook Academy Was really excited by the reusability Was previously using jQuery/ExtJS on frontend, so huge upgrade Javascript Package Size We both skipped the Backbone generation Backbone + Router.js- better than nothing! File size of Ember has recently been reduced- a lot! Svelte Builds: Eventually plan to make unique build that will only include parts of Ember that you’re using. components make it really easy to separate and decompose your app Separation of Concerns > Global Event Listening (for most cases) “Ember Changed My Life" “Life was never the same- there was before Ember and after Ember" We write Ember whenever we can, although that’s not always all the time Working on building intelligent collaboration tools for teams Problem: You have tasks and n