Taxi Tv

Ask TAXI’s Head Screener Anything!



TAXI’s Head Screener is on the front line of quality control, making sure our A&R team forwards the right music and gives great feedback. Angela Mukul was one of the best screeners on TAXI’s A&R team before she was elevated to her current position. We knew we made a great choice as she got settled in and earned the respect of the regular TAXI staff, as well as the screeners. Our choice was further confirmed when Angela sat on a panel during the Road Rally! She really shined, and that didn’t get past the audience. In fact, audience members recommended that we have her join us for some Q&A on this week’s TAXI TV! Great recommendation! If you‘d like to know: • What the Head Screener’s tasks are • What Angela’s background is • The most common mistakes members make that prevent material from being forwarded • How she helps the A&R team communicate with you better • What she looks for when she’s in quality control mode And much more…