Poet Waffle

Poet Waffle #19 (Jacob Sam-La Rose)



Poet Daniel Cockrill invites Poet, Educator and Editor, Jacob Sam-La Rose round his house for a chat. During this chat they explore the visceral space between fact and fiction to reveal certain truths that can’t necessarily be explained by these other fields. They also attempt to answer the Poet Waffle Big Question; What Does It Mean To Be Free? Topics covered include: The Creative Industry, Managing Workload, Burnout, Mindfulness, London Teenage Poetry Slam, Exploring How To Be A Writer, Alice Walker, Seamus Heaney, Laurie Bolger, Aspiration and the Migrant Experience, Obligation and Responsibility, Freedom of Thought and the Appreciation of Freedom. Other Mentions: ‘Say’ by Sarala Estruch ‘Humaning’ by Laurie Ogden ‘Mercy’ by Eleanor Penny ‘Too Young, Too Loud, Too Different’ Malika’s Poetry Kitchen Anthology ‘Before Them, We’ Antholgy (Jan 2022)