Poet Waffle

Poet Waffle #18 (Matt Abbott)



Poet Daniel Cockrill invites Poet, Poet In Education, Activist and Producer Matt Abbott round his house for a chat. During this chat they explore the visceral space between fact and fiction to reveal certain truths that can’t necessarily be explained by these other fields. They also attempt to answer the Poet Waffle Big Questions: Is Ambition A Destructive Force? Topics covered include: Happy Birthday Poet Waffle, Being In A Band, Lyrics In Songs, John Cooper Clarke, Reverend And The Makers, Being Connected To The World, Enjoying The Writing Process, Working As A Poet, Making A Book, The Instant Hit, Nymphs & Thugs, Ivor Cutler, Leeds, Leyton Orient, Poetry & Football United, Writing Poetry For Yourself, Satisfying Ambition, Burn Out, Looking After Yourself, Narrowing Down Your Creativity, Spokenword As Theatre and Enjoying The Process.