Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

A time of deception dominated by Satan



We live in an age of deception. Which tells us nothing other, of course, than that which St. Maximilian told us one hundred years ago. He said that modern times increasingly would be dominated by Satan. His influence would be so great, that not even the wisest or the strongest man would be able to resist him. Those who will be able to escape the deception are those who are particular consecrated to the Immaculate Virgin. It is to She and She alone, that God has given the power to overcome the evil one with his deception. The art, the skill, the tool that Satan uses today, is that of words. No longer are we exact and precise in our language and in our use of words. So there is increasing confusing and misunderstanding and worst no knowledge of the truth. Satan is exceedingly cunning. He will not tell us an outright lie, he knows we are intelligent enough to detect it. But what he will do, is to mix a single grain, a poisonous lie, tiny undetectable and let that lie, like yeast do its work. So when