Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

Creed: The communion of Saints



So we’re talking about the communion of Saints today. But a silly joke first. There was a painter and decorator, called Jock. He was very dishonest, he was habituality dishonest in his work, because he thinned out his paint with turpentine. Well one day the Church was up for renovation, the parish priest offered people the chance to put in their bids. But Jock got the job, because he put in the lowest bid, because he used the cheapest paint. However, on the first day of work, he just about finished the first coat of paint on the front of the Church, when the heavens opening up the rain started to come down and not only did Jocksy, all that paint get washed off, it was so thin that it hadn’t even dried. But he also fell of the scaffolding. Landed on the lawn, but he wasn’t hurt thankfully. But he did understand that this was a message from God. So he said Lord I’m sorry, forgive me what shall I do. Hands clasped together. The heavens bellowed out through the thunder, repaint, repaint and thin no m