Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

Temperance – the righteous habit which governs the natural appetite for pleasures



Before we introduce a theme and we talked about virtue we mentioned that virtue is a good habit, which prepares a person, to act, to carry out other actions in accordance with right reason. To act rationally. With all moral virtues, justice, fortitude, prudence, any of these, right reason indicates to the person with regards to their actions, the right measure, the need of moderation. The virtue we focus on today is temperance, this specially measures, moderates and even teaches us to hold back the most animalistic inclinations that we have. I like to talk about today what this virtue is, why it is important and what are those vices which are contrary to it, which will diminish ouch chances of growing the virtue of temperance. So, what is it? In the wider sense, it means moderation in actions and passions – like all the virtues. But in the strict sense – temperance means – moderation in the sensual and the carnal pleasures… For Fr. Nicholas’ complete homily please listen to the Audio.