Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

God is rich in mercy



God is rich in mercy, says the psalmist and this mercy of God is echoed throughout the Scriptures both in the Old Testament as well as in the New. Yet we sometimes get the impression from the Old Testament that God is vengeful, that He is a hard task master, that He is ready and eager to punish. When in fact God doesn’t punish so much that we earn the misfortune that comes our way because of our rebellion against God or because we are ignorant of what God wishes for us or because of the weakness of our nature that attracts us to sin. In the classical form, we sin either because of weakness, the concupiscence that’s in our flesh or we sin out of ignorance, that we rarely do not know what we are doing and then a few out of what is called malice, deliberate habit of sin within no desire to change. But whatever the category or the kind or the class of our sin, God is always rich in mercy, always eager to forgive us the wrong that we do, in fact He has created us for life, He has created us for Himself and He cal