Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

Did our Lord really have brothers?



Our Lord had found Himself in conflict with the authorities. There was concern for His life according to Saint Mark, His brothers thought that He was beside Himself, that He was mentally ill and so they came to take charge of Him. Saint Matthew doesn’t give us that particular detail; he simply says that the mother and brothers of Jesus appear. Our Lord is in the midst of teaching the crowds and the messenger comes in saying, “Your mother and your brothers are outside and they want a word with you”. Now from this simple text, those who are less trusting of the Church will immediately say that Our Most Blessed Lady was not a virgin, that Our Lord had other children. As Christians, the first and foremost thing we must do is trust the Church because being founded on the Apostles and being the ark and pillar of truth she cannot possibly err and if she teaches us dogmatically and definitively that our Lady was a virgin before the birth, a virgin during the birth and a virgin after the birth of Christ, our first dut