Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

Our Lord makes His declaration of divinity



Always we read scripture in context. If we attempt to interpret any text of scripture without considering to whom it is been spoken, where it is spoken, who has spoken it etc, it will certainly go astray and we will certainly not understand what the Holy Spirit Himself is saying to us. Our Lord, having sent out the 12 then complains about the fact that the very cities in which He had performed the greater number of His miracles, refused to repent. And yet, from these same cities came nearly half of the Apostles. And so the Lord makes that remarkable distinction that salvation is not achieved by learnedness or cleverness or power or any of those human qualities, but rather by those who are mere children, little children before the Lord, and specifically before the Father in heaven. And then immediately our Lord goes on to say that He is God – “Everything has been entrusted to me by my Father”, which is a declaration of divinity because everything includes everything that the Father has. His very nature and He