Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

What God seeks from us is faith, because it’s impossible to please Him without it



We’re told by St. Matthew that the Lord still speaking, teaching when He was interrupted by the synagogue official. We know his name is Jairus from the other Gospels and he comes to our Lord because of his daughter’s condition. The situation is desperate, the child is dying certainly when he left and he could only presume she was dead by now. He comes in faith, he had heard the signs of the miracles of the wonders that our Lord was performing, but his knowledge, his interpretation, his understanding of Christ is still very human. His faith, as you can say is mediocre. He doesn’t have that faith that the gentile, the centurion had, who didn’t even request our Lord’s presence, but knew the Lord, even at a distance could work the miracle of healing the servant. But he comes with faith, the important thing is he has faith. What God seeks from us is faith because it’s impossible to please Him without it. And so with the little faith that he has, he says “My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her