Catholic Homilies By Fr Linus Clovis

Advent 1, Part 3: Jesus calls his first Apostles (St. Andrew’s feast)



Our Blessed Lord having been baptised, beginning His redemption of the Human race, starts off by calling the apostles so that they might be witnesses of His teaching, of His miracles and above all of His Resurrection. He chose them at the start of His mission so that they should be there from the very beginning, for this is the criteria used by St. Peter, when it was time to replace Judas who abandoned his post. St. Peter said we should choose someone who was with us from the very beginning. So after being baptised, Our Lord then having left the Jordon, we are told, walks along the sea of Galilee, he didn’t see them (His apostles) with his bodily eyes, rather He saw them with their spirits, He saw their souls and disposition, He created them for this very reason... Our Lord has created us, each with a unique mission, each with a unique path. Are we open to following what God has Willed for us? Are we ready to say not my will, but Your Will be done?