Francis Watch

Episode 14: Glue, Pilots, and “Unity”



It's the end of the month, which means it's time for Francis Watch. Guests Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father Anthony Cekada wade through the muck and detritus that issues forth from Francis, his cronies, his would-be defenders, his detractors, and the world at large. In this month's episode, we cover: * Pre-synodal agitation: What will the Germans do? * A "third way" to deal with the "current teaching" of the Church on adultery and homosexuality * The importance of Christians kneeling in front of the poor * The fact that the worst evils in the world are poverty, corruption, and human trafficking * The importance of Catholics and Lutherans being perceived as brothers in faith, not as adversaries. * Francis' video message to Pentecostalist pastors reminding them that we must "pray for unity" * Francis' lament that unity "cannot be fixed by glue" * A non-ironic command for bishops to stop "ordering the faithful around" * The rise of Maradiaga * Suarez on a "heretical pope" * The importance of "not being closed in