Ernie Bedlam's Bedtime Stories

Ernie Bedlam's Seventh Podcast



Ernie Bedlam’s Bedtime Stories Episode 7 – July 20, 2017 It’s been a bit of a stretch, but things happened, were happening, and continue to happen, although now they’re not (so much) happening, but still lie in wait to alarm us with regularity. In spite of all that: Here’s Podcast Numero Seven! Selections include (indeed are limited to, this one’s a quickie, but Ernie says y’all like ‘em that way, and I’m pretty sure he was talking about the podcast – good grief, I hope so) “Poetry While Waiting for an Exterminator,” “Scratch ‘n Sniff,” and “Little Boy Lew.” Music featured this week is from amazing guitarist John Lawler, “Tennessee Rumble,” from his album 12 Folk Instrumentals for Solo Nylon String Guitar, and Al Rose’s tune “On the Shelf,” from his album Sad Go Lucky. Both albums are available at iTunes and you should go get you some musical goodness from these guys. “I had to bark at that weird shit at the end because it was fucking weird. Don’t do that ever again.” – Augie, Dorothy’s talking dog.