Toy Photographers Podcast

105 - Creativity roundtable with Alan, Trevor, Arielle and James



On this episode of the Toy Photographers Podcast, Alan Rappa hosts a roundtable featuring James Garcia (@thereelJames23), Arielle Nadel (@ariellenadel), and Trevor Williams (@onesix_shooter). The topic? All about creativity: Where to find it, how to harness it, and what to do when it gives you trouble. Creativity is a pretty abstract concept. Can you define it? What does it look like? Is creativity something that’s tangible? Or you just know it when you feel it or see it? Does seeing others’ creativity inspire you or make you jealous? And does creativity only exist in artistic endeavors or can one express creativity through, say, spreadsheets? You might be surprised at the answer!   As always the full show notes and images referenced in this episode can be found on the Toy Photographers Blog. You can also find more articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook, Twitter, MeWe and Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a