Toy Photographers Podcast

100 - Digital minimalism: a conversation with Janan and Shelly



In this episode of the Toy Photographers Podcast Janan Lee (@spideygoeshygge) and Shelly Corbett discuss Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. Why? Because the new year is often accompanied by New Year's Resolutions. While new year's resolutions can be controversial, the chance of the years is a great time to examine certain habits. But what happens when Shelly's new year's goal to use social media less runs head long into her favorite high value activity: toy photography. We hope you enjoy the discussion!    You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook, Twitter, MeWe and Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr.