Toy Photographers Podcast

96 - Photographs Not Taken: a book discussion



Kristina and Shelly take a step back from toy photography and look at the bigger picture of being a photographer. In this episode they take a close book at the classic book: Photographs Not Taken" a collection of Photographers' Essays edited by Will Stacey. Has their been a time when you've put down the camera and let the photo pass? Whether you're a street photographer or a toy photographer, we make choices about when and what we photograph. It is this idea that dives this episodes discussion. I hope you will join us. As always you can join the discussion on the blog and leave your own thought on these ideas in the comment section.     You can find articles on creativity and toy photography on our website, Find us on Facebook and on Instagram. Subscribe to our weekly email roundup so that you never miss a post, and join our communities on MeWe and Flickr.