Living Over Losing

Ep 10: "Body Kindness with Rebecca Scritchfield"



Today I am talking with Rebecca Scritchfield, registered dietician, certified health and fitness specialist and author of Body Kindness. Rebecca is incredibly knowledgable and has helped many around the world. In this episode we chat about: Rebecca’s personal journey to body kindness, giving up dieting and the scale for good, how Rebecca took what she learned in school for nutrition and her own experience to create the Body Kindness Philosophy, intuitive eating and how this can sometimes be a diet in disguise, exercising to feel good, the inclusion of everyone in body acceptance, de-stigmatizing the word “fat”, and much more.   To find Rebecca on social media:   @rebeccascritchfield on Instagram   Body Kindness with Rebecca Scritchfield on Facebook   Website:   Body Kindness, by Rebecca Scritchfield can be found anywhere books are sold! Definitely a must read.