Fitz & Healthy Podcast

FITz & Healthy Podcast 02 : Life by Design



In this episode, Dr. FITz and Cinthanie tackle an issue that will speak to people of ALL to live a life by design.  Too many people live a life of mediocrity and have stopped dreaming about the life they once believed they could live.   During the episode they discuss how certain areas of life can be the one thing that is holding them back from living a life by design.  Three steps are covered that focus on where to start this journey back to a life you only used to dream of:   Step 1: Identify the areas of your life you need to take control of whether it be your finances, your fitness and/or relationship(s).    Step 2: Make a plan on HOW to start taking control over that area(s) and put PEN TO PAPER!   Step 3: Give yourself GRACE during the process of regaining control in your life.  It doesn't change overnight but it won't change unless you take ACTION!   Want more?  Go to to see all the ways the Dr. FITz can help change your life.  Join the CLUB FITz Crew at http://w