Gospel Con Carne

Rediscovering Beauty Through Suffering, with My Neighbor Cheryl



It's always hard to say goodbye to a dear friend and neighbor in Community First! Village. This week's Gospel Con Carne guest, Cheryl Williams, has been part of the Mobile Loaves & Fishes family for more than four years. She moved to the Village after several years of being homeless, and is moving at the end of this month after having been re-connected to her family. While we are saddened to see Cheryl go, let there be no doubt that this is a wonderful celebration for us. Through her struggles with addiction and a loss of family, Cheryl says she found hope in her Community First! family, and ultimately by surrendering herself to God to live the life He has paved for her. Hear Cheryl's beautiful story of following God's call, which has led her to reuniting with her son and choosing to start a new chapter in her life.