An Herbal Diary: Culinary Herbalism | Medicine Recipes

Herbal Pantry: Demulcents and Expectorants



Medicine from plants can’t replace pharmaceuticals, but botanical remedies can contribute to prevention and recovery from illness. In this episode, I explore building the kitchen herbal pantry to include cough remedies.  Categories and Examples of Herbs with therapeutic use for coughing Demulcents are herbs that soothe and protect mucous membranes from irritation and inflammation and thin mucus Examples are flax seed, chia seed, oats, okra, marshmallow, licorice, fenugreek, fennel, slippery elm, mullein, violet, butterfly weed Expectorants are herbs that help move excessive mucus out of the respiratory system Examples include wild cherry bark, plantain, hyssop, fenugreek, thyme, fennel, licorice, ginger, marshmallow, anise, onion, garlic, eucalyptus, pine, elecampane, lobelia, horehound Decongestants reduce and/or eliminate the formation of mucus or phlegm Examples are anise, black pepper, cayenne, ginger, fenugreek, mullein, marshmallow, licorice, horehound, sumac, wild cherry, elecampane, lobelia Astringent