An Herbal Diary: Culinary Herbalism | Medicine Recipes

Kitchen Medicine: Astragalus Chocolate Nut Truffles



Astragalus is one of the premier immune system nourishing and strengthening herbal medicines.  The best way to use an immune system tonifying herb like astragalus is to begin taking it when you are not sick, beginning about six weeks prior to the height of cold and flu season. It’s ideal for incorporating into cooking on a daily basis. In this episode, I share a recipe for creamy chocolate nut truffles with a big dose of astragalus powder as an ingredient. Ingredients for Creamy Chocolate Nut Astragalus Truffles ½ cup figs, chopped, 1 cup almonds, ½ cup cashews, 3 TBS cocoa powder (additional cocoa powder for coating), 3TBS honey, 2TBS astragalus powder, 1tsp vanilla extract, 1tsp cinnamon, ½ tsp ginger, pinch of salt Preparation Instructions: Soak figs in hot water for 30 minutes, then drain. Add both nuts to the food processor, process until forms a nut butter paste, about 2-3 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and process again until blended to a smooth consistency. Chill for 1-2 hours, then roll 1tsp batt