An Herbal Diary: Culinary Herbalism | Medicine Recipes

Pop-Up Tea Salon: Dandelion Root Vanilla Latte



I can not yet serve you a latte through your podcast app even though I wish that I could. Maybe someday that will happen. For now, here is a pop-up recipe offering, to make dandelion root vanilla latte homemade. I hope you enjoy! Dandelion Root Latte with Vanilla Syrup 8 ounces roasted dandelion root tea 2 teaspoons vanilla syrup ¼ cup milk (whole, any nut milk, coconut or organic unsweetened soy)  Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan, heat on low setting to warm. Pour warm mixture into a blender and blend for 30-45 seconds until frothy. Pour into mug or over ice. Enjoy! To decoct dandelion root for tea:  Combine 2 teaspoons dandelion root powder & 12 ounces water in small saucepan Heat to simmer, cover, simmer for 10 minutes, remove from heat, steep 40 minutes Strain To prepare vanilla syrup: Heat ¾ cup water in small saucepan, add ½ cup sugar, stir until dissolved. Add ½ whole, split vanilla bean, cover, steep for 20 minutes. Store in refrigerator Mentions: Dandy Blend Instant Herbal Beverage D