An Herbal Diary: Culinary Herbalism | Medicine Recipes

Herbal Pantry: Kitchen First Aid Kit



Mishaps don’t give warnings. Topical herbal remedies, those we use externally on skin, deserve star status for first aid. Options for topical herbal first aid remedies include compresses, poultices, ointments, oils, salves, soaks and washes. Yarrow, a premier first aid herb that can stop bleeding, cleanse wounds and take away symptoms of inflammation, is our focus for today. Henriette’s Herbal: Photos of Yarrow Sources for Yarrow: Mountain Rose Herbs : dried leaf & flower, powdered leaf & flower, seeds Rosemary’s Garden: dried leaf & flower ZacK Woods Herb Farm: fresh & dried Healing Spirits Herb Farm: oil & salve Deepest gratitude to Andrea Klunder, my podcast boss.  Find her at Original music by Dylan Rice --- CONNECT WITH DINA --- Please send me you comments, requests, or feedback.  Send me a message, voice or write an email, my email is I look forward to hearing from you! To get herb inspired recipes, plant profiles and read m