Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Start with WHY



Fresh Tracker Stephen Shedletzky of Simon Sinek's Start with WHY discusses the importance of knowing your ‘WHY’ in business and how keeping that top of mind will drastically affect your results. It’s often easy to explain what you do, even how you are different, but knowing why you do what you do and communicating that in your marketing inspires people to work with you. Knowing your personal WHY can change the course of your life and an interesting fact Stephen shares is that our why is fully formed by the time we are 20! Stephen shares how knowing yourself and your WHY absolutely changes your ability to achieve success. In the show Stephen shares success is defined by the individual and because of that, knowing your why is what allows you to achieve your success. Don’t know your why? Stephen walks us step-by-step through a discovery process you can do at home as well as ideas for how to keep your who top of mind throughout the day. Show Notes:1:30 – Why WHY? Why do we start with WHY and why is it so importan