Fresh Tracks With Kelly Robbins

Living the Dream in Life and Business



Episode 24 – Priscilla Stephan discusses creating what you desire in your life. What if you don’t know your desires? Priscilla has tips for helping you figure that out as well as how to live your personal and professional life holistically. Priscilla share the reality that we are either moving in the direction of our dreams or moving away from them. It’s important we consciously build evidence on why you can create your dreams (rather than why you can’t) and that takes practice and making a commitment every day to do that. Priscilla believes one of the hardest things we get to choose is giving ourselves permission to follow our own path and to stop apologizing for our desires. Listen in on today’s show and discover how to get clear on what constitutes a rich life for you. For example, what if you imagined your career as a lifestyle? Are you being externally driven by society and what everyone is telling you to do or are you allowing yourself to follow your own inner guidance? Priscilla discusses the importanc