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HTE 399: Working From Project to Project | Kevin Kelly



Kevin Kelly has been writing on the Internet since 1982 and Tim Ferris calls him the Most Interesting Man in the World. He has spent the past 40+ years living project to project, accomplishing some truly impressive feats in the process without ever attending college or university. From 1984 to 1990, Kevin Kelly was the publisher and editor of the Whole Earth Review. In 1993 he co-founded Wired magazine and served as its Executive Editor for the first seven years. He is now Senior Maverick for Wired. He is a co-founder and editor of the popular Cool Tools website. Kevin Kelly is also a world-renowned bestselling author of countless books, with his latest called The Inevitable. He is also the author of the viral Internet piece called 1,000 True Fans. Now, let’s hack… Kevin Kelly In this 46-minute episode Kevin Kelly and I discuss: The importance of asking the dumb questions and critiquing your own thoughts in writing Recognizing knowledge and information as a commodity Establishing your voice on the Internet a