Chasing Dreams With Aimee J.

Ep. 6: Andre Watson – All Work is Easy Work



In this episode of Chasing Dreams, Aimee J. is chatting with her own personal trainer, Andre (Dre) Watson. Dre is an amazingly fit guy who loves exercise and training. He’s always been an athlete but didn’t even think about becoming a personal trainer until way after High School. Once he got started he’s never looked back. Find out how Dre pursued his dream of becoming a fitness trainer, how he has established client relationships that have endured many changes in his employment, and how he’s stepping into the scary unknown by starting his own business. This is a fun and insightful conversation you won’t want to miss. No excuses allowed.When Dre Watson is working with a client he’s not one to allow for any excuses. It doesn’t matter if the client has an injury, is sick, or has some kind of limitation. Dre finds a way to help them work their body without hurting themselves. It’s not that he’s a slave driver, he’s just committed to helping his clients reach their goals. Listen in to this episode to hear how Aim