Pocket Talk

Episode 18: Diana Sanchez



On today's show, Jess speaks with the incredibly inspiring Diana Sanchez aka The Lovely Pear. Living in Midland Texas with her husband Shawn, son A&J as well as  two dogs & two ducks, Diana is currently on the 2016 Becky Higgins Project Life Creative Team. As a Project Life newbie, Diana has only been scrapbooking since June 2015. Her passion and enthusiasm for pocket page scrapbooking reminds us to "just start". Check out Diana's drool worth Instagram account or  her amazing 2016 title page - one of my favorites!  In this conversation we discuss how Diana got started scrapbooking with Project Life, the resistance her friends express to scrapbooking & how she styles her finished layouts for social media. We also chat about her favourite actions. Enjoy the show!