Jim Babkas Post-statist Review

Intro To The Show, AHCA, State Run Welfare



In this episode, Jim and co-host Howard take on some topics near and dear to the heart of millions of Americans. Check out Jim's organization at http://www.downsizedc.org SHOW NOTES: 1:50 - We call the show Post-Statist. What is Post-Statism? 6:46 - You can read the Post-Statist Mental Lever https://www.zeroaggressionproject.org/mental-lever/post-statism/ 8:12 - Obama’s broken promise, “You’ll get to keep your doctor…” 18:29 - Why are private practice General Practitioners going away? 22:00 - Proposals that escape third-party payment systems and empower you, the patient… https://downsizedc.org/medicaid-medicare-hsa/ https://downsizedc.org/untax-healthcare/ 28:45 - State-Run welfare is inefficient 33:18 - UCCA https://downsizedc.org/universal-charitable-credit-act/ We do better http://wedobetter.org/