7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

184 - ft. Scott Brinker: MarTech in Practice: Opportunities, Trends, and Challenges



Hello from Portland, Oregon. Welcome to another episode of B2B Marketing & More with Pam. Today, I have an incredibly special guest - Scott Brinker. Scott is the VP Platform Ecosystem at HubSpot, Editor at chiefmartec.com, and Program Chair of MarTech Conference. Today we talk about Martech in practice - MarTech trends, opportunities and challenges. In this episode: What are the biggest trends of 2021 in terms of marketing technology development? What makes the digital marketing side so fragmented, and how can marketers navigate the landscape? How should marketers evaluate MarTech as a whole for a company without getting overwhelmed? What makes change and martech implementation difficult and slow? What can marketers do to pitch to management to invest in MarTech? Why should marketers evaluate their MarTech stack regularly, and how to do so? What are the marketing technology predictions for the second half of 2021 or even 2022? What kind of no-code platforms or tools can marketers use in their work? Quot