7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

176 - ft. Tyler Lindley: The Role of Sales Development Reps in Sales Enablement



Hey, a big hello, Portland, Oregon. Welcome to another episode of B2B Marketing & More. Yay! I have a very special guest today. Tyler. I actually love his name. Tyler Lindley. Tyler is senior sales instructor and SDR coach at Vendition. Let's find out what SDR is. Okay? Vendition is a sales training company. Tyler also has his own podcast “Sales Lift” with more than 40 episodes. So you should check that out. So let’s get started. Welcome Tyler.   Tyler Lindley: Thank you, Pam. I'm going to bring you on my podcast and have you do that intro every single episode. (Pam laughs) That might just be my new episode forever.   Pam Didner: More than happy to do you intro and outro but I think I am going to scare people away.   Tyler Lindley: I loved it. I love it. Thank you. Thanks for having me on.   Pam Didner: Oh my pleasure. So, SDR. I heard about SDR. Can you explain what that is? And also, you know, people talking about inside sales and outside sales. Can you also explain that as well so we on the same page b