7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

87 - The ONE reason for Sales and Marketing Misalignment



I had an epiphany talking to Rob Clarke, co-founder of Strala, at Martech West in early April. His company created a turnkey platform that allows you to standardize UTM parameters to track all your online and offline marketing outreach. He told me that marketers like to ask 3 questions: who, what and when. Marketing focuses on Who, What, and When  Who are they? What did they do throughout their buying journey? When did they do it? If you have a standard tracking system that is integrated to your marketing automation, CRM, POS (point of sales), eCommerce and other platforms, you can see a series of actions that prospects do through their journeys. With all the information in one place, hopefully, you get some insights to determine the next steps to nurture and drive better conversions. If you tie that information to your budget, you can see which marketing channels perform better and adjust your marketing budget accordingly. My conversation with Rob prompted me to think what sales people would like to know w