7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

75 - Marketers Can Make An Impact on Buyer Research and Sales Engagements



B2B buyers spend just 17 percent of their time meeting with potential suppliers, while 45 percent of their time is spent researching independently, according to Gartner.  Out of that 45%, B2B buyers spend 27 percent of their time researching independently online and 18 percent of their time researching independently offline. With approx. 62% of buyers time spent on research and meeting with suppliers, what can marketers do to help buyer’s research and sales efforts?  There are plenty of things that marketers can do. I want to share 2 tactics that marketers can employ to help buyer’s research efforts  1 recommendation to support sales teams The two tactics are search optimization and content marketing: Let’s think about how B2B buyers do research. First of all, they type problem statements or keywords into Google or other search engines to get relevant links and content. Buyers will generally click on different links to view content. So, first and foremost, marketers can facilitate buyers’ research by focu