7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

63 - Write your content with one person in mind #FindYourDoris



Ann Handley, the author of the popular Book “Everybody Writes”, shared her journey of creating content in her own backyard, also known as her website, during the Content Marketing World conference. Here is the background of her keynote: She wrote 2 books and is prolific in providing content in popular publishing sites from Inc to Forbes, but her website is like a content ghost town, so one of her followers said to her “what gives?!” She took on the challenge, started creating content and doing email marketing to engage with her followers. Email marketing, Ann?  Welcome to the dark side. She talked about her journey and learning about getting subscribers. One of her key learnings is to write for the audience of “ONE.” She used Warren Buffet as an example. Warren’s Annual Letter to Investors is widely read by millions of people. He shared that he writes that letter with his sister, Doris, in mind. He said that Doris is very smart and a voracious reader, but she doesn’t understand finance jargons and the complex