7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

56 - 3 lessons from relaunching my website for the 4th time



Hard as it is to believe, even though I’ve only been working for myself for 4 years, I’ve just relaunched my website for the fourth time. That’s pretty much one relaunch per year. I am not talking about changing copy here and there. I am talking about a complete re-design of the website… Here is the story of working on my website, full of drama and nightmares, and my takeaway. I launched my first website in 2012. It was pretty much a blog and creative outlet. I was publishing my reflections and observations about life in general. It was not a business website and no clear value proposition about who I am and what I do. Then, I completely redid my website in 2014 when I publish my first book, Global Content Marketing As 2015 rolled around, I decided that I should sharpen the focus of my web presence to match my book, so I created globalcontent.marketing as the main site and migrated all my content to that site and kept the pamdidner.com site static. Frankly, I don’t think that was a right move. Hindsight is 20