7 Min Marketing With Pam Didner

51 - Everything is Connected



Frequent listeners know that I practice yoga on a regular basis. The truth is that I go to 2 different yoga studios in Portland.  I do Hot Yoga in one studio and learn new and different yoga postures in another studio. Attending classes in two studios, I get opportunities to see how different yoga instructors conduct their classes. For Hot Yoga, we do the same 26 postures every class. It can get boring sometimes, same old postures over and over again, but that’s when the personality of a teacher comes into play. One particular instructor, Sasha, is unique. She ran away from home when she was young, then, lived a pretty messed up life until she found Yoga. You can tell that she doesn’t follow rules. She would play music during classes, add a couple of postures here and there, and ask us to breathe in certain ways between postures. Then, she would add random observations or reflections as they occur to her. Like the other day, when we were doing twisting postures, she said that she was on the toilet yesterday a