St. Luke Columbus

Everywhere You Look



The Church of Jesus Christ is to be more sent out everywhere rather than gathered in a church building. In the book of Acts almost all of the work of God through the apostles happens away from any church building. The earliest Christian churches left the building and during the pandemic most churches today have left the building. The disciples met the risen Jesus outside somewhere and were sent to the ends of the earth to be witnesses of Jesus. While we are strengthened in the gathered community of Christ Followers, we are sent out into our communities to give witness to the salvation that comes through Christ.    Next step: Get to know the people you live life with and near (neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances, fellow volunteers, etc.) Spend time with them.  Plant and water the seeds of faith through praying for and with people, encouraging people, serving people, engaging in spiritual conversations, telling your story, and sharing the good news of Jesus.   Lessons: Acts 1:1-9, 8:1b-4   Watch: stlukecolumb