St. Luke Columbus

Finding Rest When Overwhelmed



The yoke of Jesus is a structure that gives a restful lifestyle. Many people are feeling overwhelmed because of the changes brought on by the COVID 19 pandemic. Many were already feeling overwhelmed before the pandemic hit. Finding true rest does not mean becoming lazy. Rather, Jesus promises that following his way of living (his yoke) will bring a yoke that is easy and a burden that is light. To experience this you may have to take off a heavy and burdensome yoke that you are trying to carry and take upon yourself the yoke of Jesus and learn from him. Think of this yoke as structures you put in your life to experience a restful lifestyle. Even as you press on to take hold of this change, know that you have already been taken hold of by God. Rest in the assurance that Jesus took hold of the cross in order to take hold of you.   Next Step: Identify a structure you could put in place to help you to be less overwhelmed and then establish that structure.    Lessons: Matthew 11:25-30   Watch: