St. Luke Columbus

What Does Love Require In This Time?



In response to the upheaval in our country following the killing of George Floyd at the hands of law enforcement officers, we decided to change our sermon plans and begin to seek what love requires of us in this time. Given the short time-frame for planning, the enormity of the issues, and the schedule constraints for June and July, we decided that we would spend two Sundays beginning to address racial reconciliation. Our hope is to revisit this in the coming months and hopefully bring about lasting change in ourselves, our congregation, and the community.    Our first response to racism is to listen more and talk less. The racism that is displayed by some is overt, easy to identify, and clearly calls for us to speak against. The racism that lies within most of us is much more difficult to identify. It often is found in deep-seated suspicions and opinions of which we may not even be aware. Jesus taught us by his example of the importance of sitting and listening to those who are different from us. While ther