St. Luke Columbus

What's Possible Now?



It is possible for us to be perfectly united. As crazy as that sounds, it is possible when we are united in our essential beliefs, show liberty in our non-essential beliefs and practices, and live by charity in all our beliefs and practices. The first Christian Church described in Acts 2 experienced this perfect unity for a brief period of time. They resolved their conflicts. Next to the gospel itself, in the letters of the Apostle Paul unity in the body of Christ is of greatest importance. Paul called the earliest Christians to a very high standard of unity. As we move out of the pandemic restrictions, it is possible for us to reset our priorities so that we live in perfect unity within the family of faith.   Next Step: If you have an unresolved conflict with another person within our family of faith, do what is needed to resolve that conflict. Become an encourager of others.    Lessons: Acts 2:42-47, 1 Corinthians 1:10-13, Mark 9:33-35   Watch:   Subscribe to our Youtube channe