St. Luke Columbus

The Artisan Soul: Image



We transform invisible ideas into visible reality to unleash God’s love to others. Having been created as artisans in the image of God, Erwin McManus teaches that we transform the invisible into the visible. Everything that exists began as an idea in the imagination of someone’s mind, including our personal creation that began as an idea in the mind of God. An artist brings a piece of art into visible reality from the invisible imagination of the artist’s mind and  we craft our lives into works of art by bringing what we can see only in our imaginations into the visible reality of how we live. BUT, as followers of Jesus, we do not create art or craft our lives into works of art only for our sake. We are primarily motivated by love for others to transform the images in our minds into visible reality so that others will have real and eternal life. It is therefore necessary that we strive to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ and his command to love others as he has loved us.     Next Step: