St. Luke Columbus

It's Personal: Do You Know Where I Live?



Something changes in a relationship when you take the time to understand someone’s everyday context. In Jesus, God entered our everyday context, becoming fully human and now fully understands what we experience. If each of us is really honest, admit that you sometimes assume that a person should feel like I feel, think like I think, and believe like I believe. When Jesus went to Zacchaeus’s house, Jesus modeled empathy. You can’t force your way into someone’s heart, but you can invite yourself into someone’s world. We can “board someone else’s train” and ride through the landscape of that person’s life. When you enter someone’s world, you respect their personality, timeline, and boundaries. We can learn someone’s context by understanding where they live physically, socially, digitally, culturally, and emotionally.   Next Step: Learn how to better understand someone’s everyday context and begin to practice being empathically curious.    Lessons: Philippians 2:5-8, Matthew 9:9-13   Watch: